July 4 @ 9:00 pm

Fireworks start shortly after dusk.
Thank you to our Fireworks Sponsors!
Presented by Starfire Corporation Fireworks
What would the Fourth of July be without spectacular fireworks? Come out and join in on the fun!
Fireworks start shortly after dusk. Start time can vary due to crowds coming through the gate. They typically start between 9:00pm and 9:30pm.
Commemorate US independence from Great Britain and the July 4, 1776 signing of the Declaration of Independence by enjoying the time-honored family tradition of Fourth of July fireworks!
Celebrate the 4th of July and American independence with the whole family. Make a day of it or just enjoy the evening with us. Grab your coziest blanket or a few lawn chairs and enjoy an evening of food, festivities and fireworks! In addition to our dazzling display, the Fourth of July at the Big Butler Fair brings several additional exciting events. Check out our event calendar for more.
Whether you enjoy them for yourself or you just love the look of wonder in your child’s eyes as the fireworks shoot skyward, this annual display is a must-see. We know you won’t be disappointed!