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TICKETS: The Fair gates are cash only. Buy tickets on your phone with credit card here.

Board of Directors

Butler Fair & Agricultural Association


President – Mike Roenigk
Vice President – Clint Cehily

Treasurer – Dave Herold
Secretary – Dr. Harold Dunn

Board of Directors

Clint Cehily
Dr. Harold Dunn
Dave Herold
Ryan Kennedy
Dereke Lovich
Paul Merten III

Mike Roenigk
Stephen Rome
Marlin Sarvey
Gavon Slater
Brad Thoma

Junior Fair Board

Rebecca Achezinski
Whitney Kunzler
Alexis Roenigk
Ray Boldstridge
Jeff Larson
Gavin Roenigk
Randi Kummer

Christie Lauer
Erin Johnston
Connor Harvey
Sydney Merten
Kayla Tuzikow
Cameron Kelly
Amanda Priscilla

Advertising & Promotion

Clint Cehily

Dave Herold

Animal Regulation & Welfare

Dr. Harold Dunn
Dereke Lovich
Ryan Kennedy

Paul Merten III
Brad Thoma

Building & Grounds

Dave Herold
Marlin Sarvey
Dereke Lovich

Stephen Rome
Gavon Slater
Brad Thoma


Dave Herold
Mike Roenigk

Marlin Sarvey


Clint Cehily
Larry Hays

Don Rodgers

Electricians - Fair Authorized

Slater Electric & Sons Inc.

Emergency Services

Dave Harold

Stephen Rome


Clint Cehily

Dave Harold

Fair Queen

Beth Flick
Anne (Flick) Boylstein

Judy Kennedy
Karla McEachin

Fair Week Ticket Coordinators

Dr. Harold Dunn

Dave Harold

Farm & Home Horticulture

Paul Merten III

Julie (Worst) Maloney


Clint Cehily
Dave Herold
Dereke Lovich

Paul Merten III
Stephen Rome
Brad Thoma

Grounds Keeper / Maintenance

Gavon Slater
Kevin Taylor

April Windhorst

Ground Rental

Gavon Slater – 724-306-1060

Mike Roenigk

Long Range Planning - Budget & Audit

Dr. Harold Dunn

Dave Herold

Museum Coordinator

Barbara Meyers

Parking & Traffic Control

Clint Cehily
Paul Merten III
Stephen Rome

Dereke Lovich
Marlin Sarvey
Brad Thoma

Poultry & Livestock

Clint Cehily
Dereke Lovich
Dr. Harold Dunn
Nathan Rassau

Sara Mabold
Paul Merten III
Rich Morgan

Public Relations & Media

Clint Cehily
Dr. Harold Dunn

Brad Thoma

Race Horse

Kathy Dunn
Brian Taylor

Gavon Slater


Dave Harold

Stephen Rome


Clint Cehily
Dave Herold

Judy Kennedy
Marlin Sarvey

Winter Storage

Gavon Slater

April Windhorst

Youth Awards

Danielle Helch
Jean Kummer
Paul Merten III
Amy Metrick
Amanda Priscilla

Coltin Priscilla
Nathan Rassau
Esther Seebacher
Ann (Flick) Boylstein

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about the volunteers who work year-round to make the Big Butler Fair memorable and fun for families.

With our 165+ years of rich history, our volunteers who strive to make the Big Butler Fair possible enjoy seeing the smiling faces of fairgoers each summer and watching the event grow each year. They not only view the Fair as an event, but as a piece of American history!

The Big Butler Fair is a culmination of the efforts of so many caring individuals, and it takes a lot of work and dedication. We are always looking for volunteers—from ticketing assistance to concessions management—to keep this outstanding tradition of the Fair thriving in our community.

If you are interested in volunteering to help continue the traditions of the Big Butler Fair, please call us at 724-865-2400.

We’ll see you at the Fair!

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